Glass Coating - Effective Way to Conserve Energy

Energy saving is a big issue worldwide recently. Because of the deprecating sources and rising prices, there rises a demand of either to save or make a new source of energy. Development of the society and increase in international integration leads to development in industries which indirectly leads to increase in usage of natural sources. This increase has to be somehow decreased by means of alternate sources or by saving the sources itself. Recently, China has been having a very high rate of development in terms of buildings and structures. It has been showing quite some high rise in industries, which in turn leads to high usage of heat and related sources. A recent convention held in China has discussed upon Glass Coating as a valuable idea to conserve energy.

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China Convention about Glass Coating:

The convention we mention here was held at Hefei city in China. They discussed and laid impetus on nano Glass Coating schemes and its benefits. They said that using these glasses, we tend to decrease usage of energy in several ways. For one thing, these glasses block UV radiation which saves a lot of heat energy. Future generations need to consider this energy revolution as a separate industry and rejuvenate the resources that are still available. Environmental Science and Technology Co. Ltd, in Shuang Jing, tested this Glass Coating for 40 seconds of UV light warming it up from 20 to 50 degrees and then confirming it usable. These types of glass are also usable for insulation, sound proofing and even water proofing. Being a sound insulator, this is a very useful product in terms of construction. This company is constantly looking out for various ways to develop new and innovative options for energy saving and production.

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This new product is bound to bring an environmental revolution in the society for sure. The use of this glass guarantees carbon reduction from the atmosphere. The reason being it reduces unnecessary usage of petrochemicals for heating and insulation purposes. The Coating Glass is useful as both an insulator and a blockage to the UV light which is harmful to the human body.

Mr. Shi Lei Jing, General Manager of Environmental Protection Technology Ltd, In Hefei, quoted in an interview that their products can be used almost anywhere, where protection against UV light is mandatory. Their products include outdoor Coating Glass, windows and custom glasses for certain places. The most important being hospitals where this is a basic need, where patients need to be guarded against the harmful radiation. 99% of the radiation is blocked by the Coating Glasses. These glasses are a revolutionary idea and can definitely bring a change in the eco system in the longer run.
